About Us

Charles and Philip Fuller established Le Studio in 1992. Their commitment to high quality dance and fitness instruction is well established in Southern California. When Xavier and Susan took over Le Studio, we understood that we had an obligation to ensure that the quality of instruction continued to meet the standards established by the Fuller brothers.

This form of exercise was named after its creator, Joseph Pilates.   It originated to rehabilitate sick and disabled soldiers during World War I.  Pilates has a focus on the core.  It creates a long, lean, integrated body and mind.  Therefore, practicing Pilates nourishes and encourages healing by bringing mindfulness to movement.  With exacting attention to breathing, form, and movement execution, Pilates strengthens weak or injured muscles and joints without neglecting the body as a whole.

Pilates remains a successful formula to help prevent injuries and surgical procedures. It has the impressive ability to systematically strengthen, stabilize, and stretch the body in need.

Many of our clients are referred to our studio by doctors or physical therapists.  Pilates can help with recovery from back surgery or hip and knee replacement operations.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

Pilates strengthens the abdominal muscles.

It can ease back pain.

Pilates improves balance.

Doing Pilates will  improves strength and flexibility.

Le Studio Pilates maintains an environment that promotes serenity and tranquility.
Therefore, we understand that the environment in which one exercises can help to promote a sense of well being.

Call us Today to Book Your Pilates Session at 626-792-9866.